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The benefits of watercress for human health


Watercress juice

Watercress is a cruciferous plant that has been grown for centuries as a green, leafy vegetable. It is a member of the Brassica family of the plant genus. Watercress has other health benefits, and these health benefits are obtained from the high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant properties of the botanical structure of the watercress plant.

The benefits of watercress for the treatment of diseases

Work as an antidepressant

Low folic acid levels may be caused by a lack of dietary intake or excessive alcohol intake, and watercress works to increase the level of folate in the blood and improve people's mood, as studies have shown that a low level of folic acid increases the risk of depression.

Rich in folate content

Folate is an essential nutrient that plays a role in the prevention of birth defects and in the daily maintenance of health. Folate levels are affected by alcohol consumption. A folic-rich diet that includes foods such as watercress and other cruciferous vegetables can act as a preventative and even solve some health conditions.

Rich in calcium content

Many researchers agree that calcium from food is necessary and perhaps more beneficial in preventing many diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and high blood pressure. Calcium through food sources such as watercress appears to be safe against negative cardiac effects which are a concern For some that take high-dose supplements.

Improve bone health

Studies show that the inclusion of calcium rich food such as watercress works in reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Calcium works in the repair and construction of bones by causing an increase in the production of osteoblasts, the cells responsible for this beneficial activity, and the benefit of calcium is essential for the aging population.

Improve cardiovascular health

Cruciferous plants such as watercress are beneficial in lowering LDL-cholesterol, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and other chronic heart diseases. Watercress also contains vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant and helps reduce damage to heart tissue caused by oxidative stress.

Improve thyroid function

Watercress is a member of the Brassica family of cruciferous vegetables that has shown a beneficial effect on thyroid health. Like other Brassicas, watercress may work by reducing thyroid hormone production and is most beneficial when eaten raw.

Prevents aging

It was found that one of the benefits of watercress is to help prevent aging and skin cancer in particular, and it is also used in the treatment of eczema and various skin infections.

It improves the health of pregnant women

Its benefits for pregnant women are that it contains folic acid and some other nutrients that are beneficial at this stage.

The importance of these elements is to prevent the fetus from developing neural tube defects or other birth disorders.

Increases sexual desire in men

This type of vegetable has been used since ancient times as a medicine to increase sexual desire in men.

It was also found that when taken with sildenafil, it may improve the effectiveness of the treatment that some people follow in order to treat erectile dysfunction that they suffer from.

Watercress contains rare minerals and antioxidants, adding that these substances help prevent the absorption of some environmental pollutants that are believed to negatively affect sexual desire.

And a new study found that people who eat watercress enjoy "sexual health" more active and lively than others, adding, "It also improves blood circulation and prevents harmful substances from entering the body."

Since ancient times, the Egyptians and Romans believed that watercress was an aphrodisiac, and that it was beneficial to health in general.

Scientific experiments have proven that eating watercress increases the secretion of smart testosterone hormones, which in turn leads to an increase in sexual desire.

Contraindications of eating watercress

After getting acquainted with the many health benefits of watercress, we mention the most important precautions related to eating watercress in the following:

Caution should be exercised by people who take blood-thinning medications, such as warfarin, when taking watercress, because watercress is rich in vitamin K, which may interfere with the action of these medications.

Be careful to put watercress in the refrigerator because it contains nitrates, which bacteria may convert into nitrites and cause contamination of watercress leaves, including vegetable juices that contain watercress.

Caution for use by children under 4 years of age, people with stomach or intestinal ulcers, and those with inflammatory kidney disease.

Mohamed Al-Rawi is a professional journalist since 2011, a media graduate from Kuwait University, a technology expert, a media consultant and a member of the International Organization of Journalists - a member of the fact-checking team at Meta Company. He writes in the fields of entertainment, art, science and technology, and believes that the pen can change everything.
