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Yoga is a sport for the soul and body


 woman doing yoga exercises

Yoga is not just a position of the body as we see it in the West, but an experience of absolute reality, and it is the result of physical, mental and spiritual practice. The oldest known form of yoga is mentioned in Hindu books, and there are 3 types of yoga, which are karma yoga, bhakti yoga, and jnana yoga.

In the modern era, they are nothing but ancient techniques that include breathing, meditation, and the performance of various physical positions that achieve balance for the mind, body, and spirit.

The name Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit language "yog", which means union or joining, and yoga is the state in which one realizes the absolute truth, and the main goal is self-realization and liberation.

The origin of yoga

Historians believe that yoga came from India, and it existed before the emergence of the first human civilization, and it is believed that Lord "Shiva" was the first to play yoga, and in the Indian subcontinent yoga developed and many sages traveled throughout India to spread the science of yoga, and yoga was practiced Under the supervision of skilled teachers.

History of Yoga in the West

Yoga has become more popular in the West, and today's yoga is modern, more straightforward than classical yoga, easy to perform by all age groups, and more value is given to the physical aspects than the mental and spiritual aspects of yoga.

In the nineteenth century, Europeans and Americans discovered yoga for the first time, but they were more keen on the ideas of philosophical yoga, and before the fifties of the last century, Western public schools and universities were not familiar with the practice of physical yoga.

In 1863 one of the greatest yoga practitioners came to this world, the great Swami Vivekananda, he traveled to the West to spread Yoga on his journey, to be able to educate Western society about Yoga and its importance, and he translated the texts of Yoga from Sanskrit entirely into English, so that everyone could read them And understand it independently.

In 1896, Queen Victoria, Queen of England, invited Shivapuri Baba to give private lessons in yoga, and after the death of Queen Victoria in 1901, "Swami" crossed the Atlantic Ocean and arrived in America, and met President Theodore Roosevelt.

Since the fifties of the last century, many yoga institutes and organizations have been established in every corner of the world.

In 1965 the US government removed restrictions on Indian immigration, facilitating the steps for many yoga teachers and spiritualists to travel to the West, and since that time yoga has become a way to live a healthier life.

And when the Internet began to grow in the late twentieth century, yoga was one of the most ubiquitous topics, due to its importance to the body and mind together, as an exercise to live happily and energetically.

Yoga caveats

Yoga is generally safe for most healthy people when done under the guidance of an experienced instructor. But there are some situations in which yoga can be dangerous.

See your doctor before you start practicing yoga if any of the following apply to you:

Herniated disc

The possibility of blood clots

Eye problems such as glaucoma

Pregnancy — Although yoga is generally considered safe during pregnancy, certain poses should be avoided

Severe balance problems

Severe osteoporosis

Uncontrolled blood pressure

You may be able to practice yoga in these positions if you take some precautions, such as avoiding certain positions or stretches. If you develop symptoms such as pain or if you have concerns, see your doctor to make sure you're getting the benefits and avoiding the harms of yoga.


Although you can learn yoga from books and videos, it is usually beneficial for beginners to be taught the sport by a professional instructor. Classes also provide opportunities to meet and make new friends, which is a very important factor in maintaining a person's overall health and well-being.

When you find a class that interests you, talk to the instructor to find out what you expect to learn from the class. Questions to ask include:

What are the qualifications of the trainer? Where did he train and how long did he spend in training?

Does this instructor have enough experience working with students who have the same needs or health issues as you? And if you have a sore knee or shoulder pain, can this trainer help and guide you into positions that won't aggravate your condition?

What are the requirements for this educational class? Is it suitable for beginners? Will this chapter be easy to follow if this is your first time?

What can you expect from this tutorial class? Is this class aimed at your needs, such as how to manage stress or relax, or is it aimed at people who want other benefits?

Getting to the right balance

Everyone has a different body with different capabilities. You may need to adjust your yoga poses, depending on your individual abilities. Your trainer may be able to suggest modified positions. Choosing an instructor who is experienced and understands your needs is important to practicing yoga effectively and safely.

No matter what type of yoga you practice, you don't have to do all the poses. If a position is uncomfortable for you or you can't stay in it for as long as the instructor requires, don't do it. Good coaches will understand this and encourage you to explore your personal limits without going over them.

It is better to try to practice yoga for beginners once or twice a week, so that the body gets used to the exercises and does not get exhausted and tired, after which it is possible to practice increasing the number of days of exercises.

Northwestern Medicine study showed that a 30-minute daily facial exercise for more than 20 weeks can make middle-aged women look three years younger. But like any other sports you will need to stick to it to get real results, and the process does not take more than 20 to 30 minutes daily.

journalist since 2011, member of the Journalists Syndicate, graduate of the University of Montreal, Journalism and News Editing Division, media advisor, He writes about health, skin care and relaxation.
