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Mohamed El-Shanrawi works economic and community development


Engineer Mohamed Ibrahim El-Shinrawi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the International Foundation for Economic and Social Development, will host 400 orphan children from the Fashn Center in Beni Suef at an iftar celebration in Cairo tomorrow, Friday, April 29.

The celebration includes an entertainment program throughout the day, in addition to providing Eid clothes for children and families.

Providing the needs of orphans

Al-Shenrawi stressed that this celebration comes within the framework of the Foundation’s keenness to provide full support to the children of the Fashn Center in Beni Suef, and to provide the needs of orphans and their families on Orphan’s Day.

Pay social work

He said that civil society organizations must play their role in advancing social work and the state’s participation in achieving development, pointing to the role required of businessmen as a kind of return to the Egyptian state.

Social development improves human well-being, promotes equality, and is compatible with democracy and justice. Education is a powerful lever of human capabilities and empowerment, and an essential aspect of social development. It is an indispensable necessity to ensure that people live healthy lives and improve the lives of their children. Education can promote gender equality by empowering vulnerable groups, most of whom are girls and women.

The education sector is closely linked to other sectors, and is as important to them as health, nutrition, and energy resources. Children's health determines their ability to learn, health infrastructure can be used to provide education, and teachers' good health is indispensable to the performance of the education sector.

Ultimately, a comprehensive approach to human development must be adopted in order to address the multidimensional challenges of poverty.

Comprehensive social development is an extremely important issue for the sustainable future of all

Comprehensive social development requires the provision of vital services to all, such as education, health, water, sanitation, energy, housing, and transportation, something that is lacking in the current reality. Despite the progress achieved, actual gender equality remains elusive in most countries; Women work at least twice as hard as men and without pay, and they often work in the informal or informal sector.

Businessman Mohamed Ibrahim El-Shenrawi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the International Foundation for Economic and Social Development, confirmed that the competition comes within the celebrations of the holy month of Ramadan, with a number of distinguished events that coincide with this holy month. An agreement was reached with the Supreme Committee organizing this distinguished event and the competition has three levels. The first level is for memorizers of the Holy Qur’an. Completely, and the age of the contestant must not exceed 21 years. The second level is memorizers of half of the Holy Qur’an, and the age of the contestant must not exceed 16 years. The third level is memorizers of a quarter of the Holy Qur’an, and the age of the contestant must not exceed 12 years, provided that the prizes are a Umrah for a number of winners from the first places and prizes. The financial compensation for the rest of the winners starts from 10 thousand pounds for the winner.

Al-Shenrawi added that the committee decided to grant an Umrah trip to the international reader Sheikh Nadi Saad Jaber Muhammad, 18 years old, from the city of Samasta in Beni Suef Governorate, and the winner of second place in the Dubai International Holy Quran Competition in its 25th session (Silver Jubilee Session), which was held on the stage of Culture and Science Symposium in Dubai and was honored by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, during the Laylat al-Qadr celebration organized by the Ministry of Endowments.

Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Shanrawi confirmed that the competition comes within a large number of activities that will be held in the three centers in the governorate throughout the month of Ramadan, in addition to a number of other activities that we adopt in the villages deprived of the three centers under the slogan “Our families have a right over us,” which we consider to be a type of return to our country. Beloved, within the framework of social responsibility, to which we pay great attention during the coming period, as we participated in a very large number of educational, health and religious activities, in addition to participating in many initiatives that aim to provide a decent life for poor families.

journalist since 2011, member of the Journalists Syndicate, graduate of the University of Montreal, Journalism and News Editing Division, media advisor, He writes about health, skin care and relaxation.
